Thursday, 7 April 2011

And so It comes to an end...

I may have turned 21 over a week ago now but today with my celebration with friends from university my birthday officially comes to an end.  I never thought when I set out with the idea that I wanted my 21st to be the best birthday I have ever had that it would turn out as awesome as it has.  This is mainly down to my fantastic parents and lovely friends.  It all started on March 27th, the day before my birthday.  In the evening we had a lovely family meal at home to celebrate with my grandad.  The food was lovely and after we had the first of my many cakes (more on that later).

The next day March 28th, I turned 21, and had a really nice day.  It started with breakfast with my family, opening the presents I had received which were all lovely, and the many many cards.  During the day I then went shopping, to Nottingham, with a friend I had gone to school with.  We had lovely day making a few purchases and meeting up with another friend from school for a drink, as he is at uni in the city.  Later that evening I went out for a lovely meal with my parents and brother to a lovely Italian restaurant.  We were the only ones in that night but it only made it nicer as we were able to interact with the owner/chef of the restaurant who made us laugh and made the evening special.

You may think that was it until today, but no.  Saturday was PARTY DAY.  I woke up very early as I had to catch a train a 8am from Lancaster to Chesterfield.  Once home I dropped my bags of with the parents then headed into town to start preparing myself for the party.  First stop was the hairdressers, where I had my hair washed and styled.  I then killed some time window shopping before heading to have my make-up done professionally.  After meeting my friends that were coming to my party we all headed back time with enough time to get my dress on before the rest of my guests arrived.  We all had a lot of fun, I received more gifts and cards and we all ate and drank plenty.  I mentioned before that it was the first of many cakes, and you maybe thinking where are all the others.  Well the many other cakes is now.  Instead of the one cake my mum bought a tier of cupcakes for my party.  It was all in pink and purple, the colour theme of my party.  It was the best surprise ever, and we ended up with enough left over to take some to church, and for me to be able to bring some back for friends. :)

Is this the end of that you may ask.  Well no it isn't.  Myself and couple of friends who attended the above party decided to head into Chesterfield to hit the pubs and clubs.  Once there we met up with several friends and this is where it got even more awesome.  After a short while of being in town a friend walks in and says he can get us all on the guest list for escapade with q-jump passes and reduced price entry.  We all agree to this plan and he heads off sorts it all out and meets us back where he left us.  Later we head to the club and everything goes as plan, however once there we realise we are not just on the guest list but VIP list.  With this we got free VIP bands and access to the VIP area all night, so once in we headed there.  First thing we did is order a bottle of fizzy between us (it is my 21st after all) and head to find some seats.  From there things got even better, we find that one of the VIP pods for private party's isn't being used, so we head in thinking if we shouldn't be in there we would get moved.  We weren't, so we used this as our base for the rest of the night, taking it in turns to head on to the main arena dance floor, which our pod looked over.  We all had a fantastic night and had the heads and stomachs that told us so the next day.

Now for tonight, I'm having a few friends round and we are gonna have a pj party, have a few drinks, eat party food and play some games.  It should be a nice chilled out night to create the perfect end to the most awesome birthday ever.  I don't think if I had planned it all it could have gone any better.  Though I have always said the unplanned usually turns out better than the planned.  Maybe I should listen to myself more in future and not worry that everything is going to be good before it even starts. :)

1 comment:

  1. You're so cute! Glad you enjoyed it sweetpea <3
